Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another ten days have passed since my last entry! Yesterday, late afternoon I did a "history walk" with Samuel from Brook, along Compton Bay, up and around farmland then back to Brook Chine car park. I had only been on Compton Beach the previous week with school children learning about seaweeds. However, this time it was just us and the tide was very low (Samuel had checked online to plan our walk for low tide) and we wandered along the lowest point of shore gawping and multi-coloured seaweeds and mudstone and the giant iguanodon footprint casts which put the Isle of Wight on my list of coolest ever places I've lived when I first found out about them on my boss's geology walk in May 2007. The early autumn sunshine was perfect yesterday. We hardly met anyone on the farmland. We looked at late, plump blackberries (and ate some) a badger set and quite possibly a bird that was a Whinchat!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Yesterday we had a trip of a lifetime to Brickfields with 12 volunteers. The sun shone. The meadows were purple with Devils bit scabious flower and Davie the harbour master hauled out even the most stiff legged volunteers. This is me driving the sea sled at last! Summer has gone very quickly.