Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Family Additions!

Welcome back to my long-neglected blog. This is a photograph of a family of ladybirds that had starting hibernating in the corner of my ensuite bathroom window! I had to relocate them with Isaac's help to a snug corner of my potting shed. This was harder than first thought as they warmed up and starting flying away before we could put them in a container for transport. Isaac, being only 2 found this really interesting. So, for those on my social networks that do not yet know I am expecting baby no. 3 and am 23 weeks pregnant. If you would like to be one of the first to know if I'm having a boy or a girl then you will have to send me a sensible (!) comment about my blog to this post (not facebook!). I will preview all comments. You might need to register with blogger first...I don't know. It can't be that hard surely? x