Monday, January 28, 2019

Back from the deep...

last year we had a rest from "30 Days Wild" but we did #staywild and I have a number of 3 boys in nature videos to prove it. We saw some things for the first time: wood mice fleeing the nest in our garden, a fossil shark's tooth found at Waldringfield to name but a couple. But it's time to get back into the blogging once again. Boys are aged 2, 5 and 8 and have a steady diet of books about the sea, adventure and wildlife. Oldest 2 boys have a reasonably solid treehouse in our garden. Youngest boy can collect eggs from his chicken without breaking them. We were very privileged and lucky to explore a new place on Sunday called "Fort Blockhouse" by invitation with a very experienced submariner who has been called up on many occasions for the rescue of submarines that have met trouble and trained many crew to learn how to escape in emergencies. We found ourselves peering down into SETT, a submarine escape training tank. We were also humbled to learn of the submarine heritage, the perils and the dangers that faced crew and how they were read their last rites in the chapel at "HMS Dolphin now Blockhouse" before they ventured into the abyss on dangerous submarine missions. Back on dry land we took part as we have done for 4 years in the "Great British Birdwatch" now in its 40th year. As usual it was non-compulsory and the youngest 2 children gave me about 20mins each of their concentration span counting birds before wandering off to play. Oldest child is into his own projects these days but has been intrigued and extremely vigilant on recent family walks to Titchfield Haven and Farlington Marshes. This winter we have seen many different kinds of wintering ducks including Wigeon, Pintail and more recently some Red-breasted Mergansers out on the sea at Hill Head. I will leave this post with a fab bedtime story: "Shark Lady"