Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I hadn't meant to be prophetic at New Year about it being "sink or swim" time for the human species but as I write today we are experiencing a global pandemic called Covid-19 novel virus. I have many emotions about effectively being now quarantined (without being sick) to protect our older generation. In February we had the chance to visit a wonderful houseplant exhibition in Wisley and it set myself and husband off into a wonder-world of designing our house deco with more greenery inside. It gave me a focus, a route out of feeling pessimistic. Now I will be looking at the plants we chose with each other and brought home for many a long hour until a vaccine is developed our the societal systems adjust. This blog was meant to be about all the environments I've lived or worked in on my great adventure in life. Now at this reflective rather than "haven't got time to write this" stage I looked back on my life as truly blessed, as a brief rainbow flashing through a dark, stormy sky then disappearing and not knowing how it will be re-formed. I, myself say prayers for my family, my extended family amongst whom some were already grieving for loved ones before the coronavirus hit. I try not to dwell on "when will I see them again now? Will I travel like I did before again?" and see that being here in my rambling, gardened house is great fortune and the time I will have with my children an un-forseen blessing. For six months we have been trying to reduce our single use plastic use and created a few good habits such as making bread, yoghurt and careful recycling that have made us a lot better prepared for this than we would have been last year.